Monthly Checklist
Plant Now
Tend To
Plant Now
Onion seed, feijoa and deciduous fruit trees, trees and shrubs, potted colour, flowers and perennials.
Tend To
Weeding, protecting, mulching, feeding, replanting and harvesting.
Living Earth More Than Mulch, Aquaticus Organic Garden Booster, Kings 24-Plus, and Quash.
Plant Now
Onion seed, feijoa and deciduous fruit trees, trees and shrubs, potted colour, flowers and perennials.

- Sow onion seed now for an early summer harvest.
- Get your winter veggie seedlings planted now, such as broccoli, cauliflower, silverbeet, spinach and cabbage. Use frost cloth to protect your plants from the chilly weather.
- Find a spot with winter sunshine for planting your garlic and shallot bulbs.
- Consider getting a Vegepod or small greenhouse as you can plant and grow more tender crops and get faster plant growth. For small gardens see the new Vegebag option instore.

Fruit Trees
- You can still plant out your feijoa now, as well as mandarins and other delicious citrus.
- Deciduous fruit trees will be available from stores from mid-June, so start planning out your urban orchard now.
- Remember, you need at least four meters between trees.

Trees and Shrubs
- Add native and dry-tolerant plants to the more neglected areas of your garden. Plant with a mix of Kings Compost and Kings Sheep Pellets to give them plenty of nutrients.
- Daphne arrive in stores in April. Plant in part shade in a large pot or in a shadier part of the garden.
- Fill empty spaces with hebes, nandinas and coprosma for some warm autumn hues in the garden.

Flowers and Perennials
- Refresh your garden beds with beautiful potted colour, such as alyssum, calendula, pansies, stock, primula, polyanthus, viola and sweet peas.
- Plant out seedlings of sweet peas and cineraria.
- Cyclamen are a winter favourite. They are hardy, best grown in shaded areas both in pots and the garden, and will produce flowers through to mid-spring.
- Plant hellebores under trees now and enjoy their sweet blooms each year thereafter.
- Plant your favourite spring bulbs into the garden and pots now.
Tend To
Weeding, protecting, mulching, feeding, replanting and harvesting.

- Weed between plants, otherwise they will compete with your seedlings for water, light, food and space.
- Set down bug netting, or put Quash around your seedlings to protect them from slugs and snails.
- If your herbs are getting a little spindly, cut them back. If your parsley has gone to seed or bolted, replace with a fresh plant.

Trees and Shrubs
- Fertilise established trees with Aquaticus Organic Garden Booster, and mulch with Living Earth More Than Mulch.
- When planting your new trees and shrubs, sprinkle a couple of scoops of Kings 24-Plus in each hole.
- Prune your hydrangeas back to about half their size.

Flowers and Perennials
- Clean out any scraggly summer or early autumn annuals that have finished, they die after blooming.
- Replant hanging baskets with winter colour, and feed with Kings Fast Food or sheep pellets once a month.

- Harvest late-season feijoas and onions, rhubarb stalks, mandarins, cabbage, radish and chicory.

Fruit Trees
- Prepare your strawberry beds for the arrival of new plants come winter.
- Once all the leaves have fallen from your grape vines, give them a prune.

Indoor Plants
- As the cooler temperatures set in, reduce the watering frequency of your houseplants.
- To ensure the best light levels for your indoor plants, start planning where to move them once the shorter winter days arrive.
- When temperature drops, aphids, mealy bug and scale are more likely to appear. Keep an eye on your indoor plants for signs of these pests, and treat them as quickly as possible. A regular spray program using Groventive or Aquaticus Bugtrol will help with prevention.

General Tasks
- The cold temperatures are just around the corner, so move your frost-tender plants to shelter, and cover larger plants with frost cloth.