Monthly Checklist
Plant Now
Tend To
Plant Now
Winter veggies, seeds, citrus, avocados, feijoas, camellia, hedging, annual colour, perennials, and bulbs.
Tend To
Watering, feeding, deadheading, raking, preparing, and harvesting.
Kings Fast Food, and Living Earth Lawn Mix.
Plant Now
Winter veggies, seeds, citrus, avocados, feijoas, camellia, hedging, annual colour, perennials, and bulbs.

- Start planting your winter veggies now, such as beetroot, parsnip, broccoli and carrots! Staggering your planting ensures that you have a steady supply throughout winter, so try planting some now, and the rest over the course of the season.
- Sow seeds, such as leeks, spinach, silverbeet, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Once they have at least two sets of leaves on their stems, it is time to transplant them into the garden.
- If you are taking a season off veggie planting, replenish the nutrients in your soil in preparation for the next season. Plant lupins, mustard or oats for green manure.

Fruit Trees
- Autumn is the best time to get citrus planted with a wide range available at Kings.
- Plant to get roots established now before the cold sets in.
- Never buy over-priced avocado fruit again! All Kings avocados are grafted and need to be planted in free-draining soil to produce fruit. Plant with a pollinator partner and protect from frost when young.
- Plant two different feijoa varieties that fruit at slightly different times to stagger your harvest and boost your crop’s yield.

Trees and Shrubs
- New-season Camellia varieties are instore this month with a large range of colourful blooms. Grow as an evergreen hedge either in full sun or in shade, or as a feature plant. Early-flowering varieties bloom from early autumn to mid-winter.
- Plant hedges now to get them established for next year. Some of our favourites for planting include eugenias, griselinias and corokias.
- Add extra nutrients to your soil by carefully digging in any remaining summer mulch around the base of trees and shrubs.
- Prune back and shape established eugenia, griselinia, pittosporums, and corokia.

Flowers and Perennials
- Fill your garden with annual colour, including salvias, marigolds, petunias, seedling dahlias and gazanias.
- There are a wide range of perennials now in bloom. Choose from beautiful Chrysanthemums, Asters and hardy mini Cyclamen.
- Now is the best time to start planting spring bulbs. We have a huge range instore now, including freesias, ranunculus, anemone and daffodils. When planting, feed with Kings Slow Release Bulb Food.
Tend To
Watering, feeding, deadheading, raking, preparing, and harvesting.

- Don’t forget to water leafy edibles often to avoid them going to seed too fast.
- Keep aside seed potatoes in a cool, dark place after harvesting and plant in early autumn.
- Get your veggie beds prepared for new season crops by turning over the soil and adding Kings Compost and Kings Sheep Pellets.

Fruit Trees
- Feed and water around the root zone of established plants.
- Refrain from underplanting citrus as they have sensitive feeding roots that dislike competing for space.
- Dispose of any rotting or diseased fruit off-site.
- Once your passionfruit vine has finished fruiting, prune back and feed with Kings Citrus & Fruit Tree Fertiliser for a nutrient boost, and spray with Grosafe FreeFlo Copper to protect from scale and verrucosis.

Flowers and Perennials
- Deadhead spent flowers and continue to feed with Kings Fast Food.

- Prepare to sow your lawn by raking up leaves to create a smooth and level surface for new seed. Remove weeds by spraying weed killer such as Yates Zero Triple Strike, but avoid sowing new seed for at least three weeks after weed killer is applied.
- Check your lawn for bare spots and patch them with Burnets Lawnseed Patch Pack.
- If your lawn is newly sown, water daily until the lawn seed has germinated.

- March is full of tasty crops, ripe for the picking. Continue to harvest your delicious fresh veggies!
- Pick beans, peas, capsicum, chilli, tomatoes and the last of the courgettes.
- Fruit including lemons and limes, watermelons, feijoas, apples and pears are best fresh – use in smoothies, cereal or in salads.

Indoor Plants
- Keep your houseplants growing well by giving them a seasonal liquid feed of Kings House Plant Food.
- Make sure to repot any last indoor plants, before it gets too chilly.

General Tasks
- Add a layer of mulch around the base of hedges and shrubs to keep those pesky weeds at bay.
- Keep a close eye on your plants, as early detection is key for preventing any nasty pests and diseases.