Senecio Rowleyanus, commonly known as String of Pearls is one of our most popular houseplants. This popular hanging succulent can grow up to a metre long, adding an immediate point of difference to any room in your home.
Planting Calendar
String of Pearls is available throughout the year.
String of Pearls likes a warm well lit position out of direct sunlight.
String of Pearls should be planted into Kings House plant Mix
Being a succulent String of Pearls likes to dry out between waterings. Once the soil is dry water again and allow to dry out before the next watering. Over watering will cause the plant to rot quickly. Ensure that after watering the plant does not sit in any water.
Liquid feed monthly throughout Spring, Summer and Autumn with Kings House Plant Liquid Food.
Mealybug can be a problem, spray at first sign of insect with Groventive Garden.
No need to prune String of Pearls unless of course you would like to propagate a piece.
General Care
When using sprays, chemicals or fertilisers always read the label and follow the instructions. Apply sprays in the evening to avoid harming beneficial insects.
Beginner Tip
To propagate simply cut off a piece about 10 cm long and place the end into a glass of water. When roots form, plant into a free draining potting mix.
Expert Tip
Healthy pearls that are being watered correctly are firm to the touch, shiny and green with a transparent strip along the pearl. Wrinkled or soft pearls are a sign over watering
Weak spindly growth with larger spaces between the pearls is due to not enough light. Move to a brighter position.
Frequently Asked Questions
My String of pearls is not growing, what do I do?
Your string of pearls may not be in enough light. Place it in a bright spot but make sure it is out of direct sun.
The pearls on my plant are slitting open, what is causing this?
Splitting pearls happen when the pearls have taken up more water they they can hold. This causes them to burst open.
Do string of pearls flower.
Yes they do, they have a oddly pretty flower that has a mild sweet fragrance. The flowers are fluffy and are usually produced in spring.
My plant has white cotton stuff on it, what is this?
The white cotton looking stuff is called Meal bug which like feed on plants that like it hot and on the dry side. This can be treated by spraying with Groventive Garden.