Leucadendron are a striking shrub related to Proteas. Great for water wise gardens where they can tolerate poor soils and some drought, growing where most other plants would not survive. They make fantastic cut flowers, lasting for weeks in a vase.
Planting Calendar
Planting in autumn through to spring when the soil is moist, will give the shrubs time to establish before summer.
Leucadendron do best in full sun ( the more the better) with space to grow and plenty of air movement. They must have a very free draining soil and do better without root disturbance or competition from other plants. They will grow in any type of soil as long as it drains freely.
When planted into the ground Leucadendron likes a free draining, sandy acidic that is rich in organic matter. To improve the organic content in your soil, break up the soil and add Kings Compost and Kings Sheep Pellets then mix together well. When growing in containers, plant into Kings Potting mix.
When planting into the ground, gently tap the plant out of its pot. Avoid damaging the roots when planting. Dig a hole twice the depth and width of the plants root ball. Mix Kings Compost into your existing soil at a 50/50 ratio with Hauraki Peat then mix together well. Back fill the hole with this soil, so that when planted the top of the plant’s roots sit level with the surrounding ground. Firm the soil down gently and water in well. In heavier clay soils, where drainage is likely to be an issue, plant onto a raised mound and sprinkle Gypsum Clay Breaker into the bottom of the hole, this helps slowly condition the soil and will help to break down the clay. Add some fine sand for extra drainage and plant as per above. When planting into containers plant in Kings potting mix.
This family of plants does not require a lot of water once established as they draw water from the dew. Water once a week in the evening until well established then they will require very little watering.
Leucadendron do not tolerate or require fertiliser. They thrive in acidic soils that have a low nutrient content. DO NOT fertilise or plant near other plants that have been fertilised as water can carry the nutrients to them.
Leucadendron have shallow roots and should be staked to avoid the roots being damaged by root rock in the wind.
Mulch with bark ensuring that it is kept away from the trunk. Do not use mulch products that contain fertiliser.
Leucadendron are not generally bothered by pests and diseases, so spraying should not be needed.
You should prune during and after flowering to keep your plants full and vigorous, prune branches back by 1/3rd above at least four leaves and never prune branches without leaves. Cutting flowers for floral work is a good option to keep your plant bushy and encourage new flowers.
General Care
When using sprays, chemicals or fertilisers always read the label and follow the instructions. Apply sprays in the evening to avoid harming beneficial insects.
Beginner Tip
Phytophthora can be a problem in areas that are not drained well enough. Remember drainage is key with this family of plants.
Expert Tip
Leucadendron are very intolerant of fertiliser so DO NOT feed them.
Leucadendron do not like root disturbance, so take care when working around them.
Top Varieties

Leucadendron Amy
An erect, relatively vigourous leucadendron that develops rosy red bracts in early autumn through till spring, followed by creamy bracts on long stems in early spring. Grows 1.5 x 1m

Leucadendron Inca Gold
Compact bushy shrub. Forms brilliant yellow bracts in spring that contrast brilliantly with the red edge of the leaves and the bright red stem. Grows 1.5 x 1.5m

Leucadendron Jack Harre
Easy to grow, small and compact shrub. In late winter they form delightful yellow flowers framed by red bracts that last into spring. Grows 1x 1m

Leucadendron Plum Supreme
Colourful, compact and hardy shrub that forms stunning bracts plum purple in late summer through till autumn. Grows 1 x 1m

Leucadendron Safari Sunset
Densely erect shrubs with dark green foliage. In late summer rich red bracts form that look great right through autumn and winter. Grows 2.5 x 1m
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Leucadendron?
Leucadendron is a genus of evergreen shrubs and small trees native to South Africa. They are known for their vibrant foliage and cone-like flower heads, making them a popular choice for gardens and floral arrangements.
How often should I water my Leucadendron?
This family of plants does not require a lot of water once established as they draw water from the dew. Water once a week in the evening until well established then they will require very little watering.
When should I prune my Leucadendron?
You should prune during and after flowering to keep your plants full and vigorous, prune branches back by 1/3rd above at least four leaves and never prune branches without leaves. Cutting flowers for floral work is a good option to keep your plant bushy and encourage new flowers.
Can Leucadendron grow in pots?
Yes, Leucadendrons can grow in pots. Choose a large container with good drainage and use a quality potting mix designed for Australian native plants. Ensure the pot receives plenty of sunlight.
What kind of soil does Leucadendron need?
When planted into the ground Leucadendron likes a free draining, sandy acidic that is rich in organic matter. To improve the organic content in your soil, break up the soil and add Kings Compost and Kings Sheep Pellets then mix together well.