Grow Well Guides


Chrysanthemum, often referred to as "Mums," are vibrant and versatile flowers. With their bold and colourful blooms in various shapes and sizes, they brighten up your garden with a burst of natural radiance. Mums are a fantastic choice for adding a splash of floral beauty to your outdoor or indoor space.

Planting Calendar


Chrysanthemums are usually available in autumn.


Chrysanthemums are well known for their spectacular display of flowers in a vast range of colour, including pink, yellow, red and white. They have many uses in the garden, they make a great bedding plant, can be planted into pots, used indoors instead of cut flowers and there are even varieties that look great in baskets.


Chrysanthemums should be grown in a well lit room if indoors, if grown outside they will need a bit of protection from the hot midday sun.


When planted into the ground, Chrysanthemums prefer a free-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. To improve the organic content in your soil, break up the soil and add Kings Compost and Kings Sheep Pellets then mix together well. When growing in containers outdoors, plant into Kings Container mix. This mix contains Saturaid, which helps with moisture retention in the soil. If grown indoors then plant into potting mix.


When planting into the ground, ensure the plants is well watered then, gently tap the plant out of its pot. Dig a hole twice the depth and width of the plant’s root ball. Mix Kings Compost into your existing soil at a 50/50 ratio, add Kings Sheep Pellets then mix together. Backfill the hole with this soil, so that when planted the top of the plant’s roots sit level with the surrounding ground. Firm the soil down gently and water in well with Aquaticus Organic Garden Booster. In heavier clay soils, where drainage is likely to be an issue, plant onto a raised mound and sprinkle Gypsum Clay Breaker into the bottom of the hole, this helps slowly condition the soil and help to break down the clay. When planting into containers plant into Kings Container Mix, as this has water retention crystals in it, which will help in keeping the soil moist.



Water slowly, allowing the water to sink down into the roots, rather than just allowing it to run off the top of the surface of the soil, aiming to keep the soil moist during hot periods. Aim to keep the soil moist and never allow the plant to sit in any water, if grown in a pot.


For strong healthy roots and plants, apply monthly applications of Aquaticus Organic Garden Booster, from spring through to the end of autumn, this encourages root growth and increases the microbial activity in the soil. Monthly applications of Kings Sheep Pellets will help with soil conditioning and plant health, for plant grown in the ground. Feed with Kings Liquid Fast Food if grown in containers.


Protect succulent growth from slugs and snails. Apply Quash around the base of the plant and re-apply after rain.


Caterpillars and mites can be a problem when growing Chrysanthemums. Spray with Maverick at first sign of attack.


Remove old flower heads to encourage new ones to grow.

General Care

When using sprays, chemicals or fertilisers always read the label and follow the instructions carefully. Apply sprays in the evening to avoid harming beneficial insects.

Frequently Asked Questions