A must have for any indoor plant enthusiast. The very popular ‘Chain of Hearts’ is easy to grow and requires minimal care, rewarding you with long strands of green and grey heart-shaped leaves. Display hanging down or trained across a wall so it can show off its lengthy vines.
Planting Calendar
Chain of Hearts are best repotted from late September to late February, however they are available all year round.
Chain Of Hearts prefers to grow in a well lit position out of direct sunlight. Place in a position where lengthy strands can hang down to be admired.
Repot every 2 years in Spring planting into Kings House Plant Mix. Repot into a container twice the size of the existing one.
Your Chain of Hearts does not need a lot of water. During the hotter months water well, ensure that the soil dries out completely before re-watering. Never allow the roots to sit in water.
Liquid feed with Kings House Plant Liquid Food throughout Spring, Summer and Autumn.
Generally Chain of Hearts is pest free. Mealy bug can be a problem in dry hot conditions. Treat with Groventive 2 way Systemic insecticide.
Should the strands get too long for the position, snip off just below a pair of leaves. Or better yet, train them along a wall or wind around each other.
General Care
When using sprays, chemicals or fertilisers always read the label and follow the instructions. Apply sprays in the evening to avoid harming beneficial insects.
Beginner Tip
Chain of Hearts will produce what looks like potatoes along its stems, this is normal and is part of what makes the plant so interesting.
Expert Tip
Low light can cause your Chain of Hearts to have small leaves and large spaces between each new set of leaves. Relocate to a brighter position.
Chain Of Hearts can grow fast in the right position, so snip pieces off and share with your friends and family. They are easy to propagate by placing the cutting into some water, it will then develop new roots within a month or so for replanting and gifting.
Top Varieties

Variegated Chain Of Hearts
Variegated Chain of hearts has cream, white, pink and green leaves shaped like a heart and has flowers that are white and magenta, making it a popular addition to your houseplant collection.

String of Needles, Ceropegia linearis
String Of Needles has longs thin dark green leaves and flowers that are pale pink and white.

Ceropegia woodii
Chain of Hearts is the one that we all know with its silvery grey green hearts shaped leaves and flowers
Frequently Asked Questions
How often should I water my Chain of Hearts?
Your Chain of Hearts does not need a lot of water. During the hotter months water well, ensure that the soil dries out completely before re-watering. Never allow the roots to sit in water.
How do I propagate a Chain of Hearts?
Propagate Chain of Hearts by taking cuttings of the vines and placing them in water or directly into soil. Roots will form in a few weeks.
How can I tell if my Chain of Hearts needs repotting?
Repot your Chain of Hearts if you notice roots growing out of the drainage holes or if the plant becomes root-bound. Typically, repotting every 2-3 years is sufficient.
Why are the leaves of my Chain of Hearts turning yellow?
Yellow leaves can indicate overwatering. Ensure the soil is drying out between waterings and check for proper drainage.
Can I grow Chain of Hearts outdoors?
Chain of Hearts can be grown outdoors in a sheltered spot with indirect light, but it's best suited to indoor growing due to its sensitivity to cold and excessive rain.