DIY Strawberry Hanging Baskets
19 Jun, 2022

2. Filling the basket
Put your gloves on and open the container/potting mix bag.
Fill the hanging basket to approximately halfway.
Container mix will contain water-absorbent crystals already, but if you cannot find container mix you can also use potting mix, and mix in a little bit of SaturAid to help keep moisture in the hanging basket throughout the late spring and hot summer period.

3. Adding the plants
Next, gently squeeze the punnets or plastic pots the strawberry plants come in.
Place your hand gently over the plant in the pot and tip it upside down so that the plant easy falls out into your hand.
Very gently tease the roots so that the soil is loosened around the roots slightly.

5. Add extra soil
Fill the rest of the hanging basket with your mix. Make sure your mix is approximately 2-3cm below the rim of the hanging basket so that when watering, the water doesn’t easily spill over the side without being absorbed.
Gently press the soil around the strawberries to be sure they are secure in the soil. Do not cover the crowns with soil (the part in the middle where the new leaves sprout from).