
28 Apr, 2021

Members of the Subfamily Bambusoideae.

These giant members of the grass family look great and if you’re in need of poles in the garden they can be a great resource. However, the downside is that many varieties are invasive, and once established they can be quite difficult to eradicate.

In New Zealand, all known Bamboo species spread vegetatively, either by clumping or sending underground rhizomatous stems that shoot out forming new clumps. Varieties that send out underground runners can be particularly difficult to eradicate.

Physical Control

Cut back regularly to help stop the clumps from spreading and dig out runners. Repeat as new growth comes through.

Other Treatment

Option 1

Use Cut’N’Paste Bamboo Buster. Cut stems back and immediately apply the paste to the fresh cut. On smaller regrowth apply to the back of the leaves. Repeated applications may be needed.

Option 2

Cut down mature stands and spray regrowth with Amitrole when it is approximately 1m tall. For increased effectiveness add Sprayfix to the spray mixture as this helps the spray stick to the leaves.

When using sprays and chemicals always read the label and follow instructions carefully.

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