21 Apr, 2021
While Ants don’t tend to cause problems in the Garden by themselves, they can exacerbate problems by protecting sap sucking insects such as aphids and scale, enabling them to feed on the honeydew they excrete. This can also lead to Sooty Mould growing on these sugary excretions.
Ants nesting in pot plants tend to indicate that the soil is quite dry. Whether or not this is a problem will depend on the plants you are trying to grow.
Ants will often form nests in pots and garden beds when the soil has become too dry. By keeping garden beds and mixes moist they are less likely to be a problem.
Natural Treatment
Diatomaceous Earth isn’t a poison. It kills ants and other bugs by absorbing the oils in their skeletons, which dries them out. Sprinkle in entrances and along ant trails.
Other Treatment
Sprinkle No Ants Ant Sand over areas to be treated, including lawns, flowerbeds, paths, and cracks between paving stones.
Exterm an Ant is a great product, place some in a shallow dish near the ant trails, be sure to place out of reach of animals and children.