Our Top Tropical Plants
30 Nov, 2021
Flowering Tropical Plants
Tropical Vireya
Dubbed the ‘tropical rhododendron’, vireyas do well in Auckland’s subtropical climate and provide bursts of colourful flowers multiple times a year. As compact growers, they are also well suited for medium to smaller suburban gardens. Plant in well-draining soil loaded with Kings Organic Compost in a partly shaded area.
Subtropical Fruit
Here are our top picks to plant this season. Living in Auckland has its perks when gardening, one of which being that many of us can grow subtropical fruit in our own backyards.
A highly underrated fruit that is possibly one of the sweetest tasting fruits you can grow in Auckland. Not usually found in supermarkets due to its short shelf life, cherimoyas are similar tasting to vanilla, custard and fruit salad. Plant in free-draining soil with full sun and protect from frosts, and strong winds in its first two years.
Have a spot in the garden that gets a bit boggy in winter with clay soil and struggling to find something that will survive there? Bananas are incredibly hardy to soil types, provided they have shelter from harsh winds. Our Misi Luki variety has tight bunches of lady finger bananas that are harvestable in spring.