Little Growers Activity: Painted Stone Critters
13 Jun, 2021
What you’ll need:
Smooth river stones
Paintbrushes – medium and fine-tipped
Creating your stone critters:
Step One: Choose your stones
Choosing the stones you are going to paint is really important – the smoother the stone, the easier it will be to paint your design. River stones between 5cm and 8cm are the perfect choice (any bigger and they will take much longer to dry). Make sure stones are taken from your own property, or from nature. Don’t take stones from public spaces or private properties without permission.
Step Three: Plan your Design
Before you get creative, cover your workspace in a layer of newspaper to contain any paint splatters. Once you’re ready to start, sketch your design on paper first so you can then work off it. Stuck for ideas? There are loads of things you can paint! A great starting place for inspiration is the helpful insects that you find in the garden – think ladybugs, bees and lizards.