Broadleaf Weeds
02 Apr, 2021
Commonly found in lawns, garden beds and between pavers. Plants often regarded as broadleaf weeds include: dock, thistles, dandelion, daisies, clover, buttercups, plantain, onehunga weed, and speedwell.
Weeds flourish if space is left for them. In garden beds don’t leave bare spaces, either plant plants you want or heavily mulch (which will help suppress weeds).
In lawns, weeds tend to take over when patches appear or if the lawn is mown too closely. Fertilising lawns regularly and making sure they stay healthy will reduce the chance of weeds becoming a problem.
Never allow weeds to set seed as this will allow them to increase in numbers. Never put weed seeds into your compost.
In lawns, selective herbicides can be used to kill broadleaf weeds while leaving the grass unharmed. Spray with Turfix, or to feed at the same time use Weed n Feed, which can be attached to a hose and easily applied.
For harder to kill weeds such as Oxalis and Onehunga Weed, Hydrocotyle Killer may be more effective.
Always spray on a still day to avoid spray drifting onto desirable plants.
When using sprays and chemicals always read the label and follow instructions carefully. Spray in the evening to avoid harming beneficial insects.
Other Options
For a natural option spot spray weeds with Weed Weapon Natural Power. This oil based spray causes plants to burn in the sunlight. Some perennial weeds may need multiple applications to kill them off as this product only kills the foliage.